Klíčenka s powerbankou 1 000 mAh strieborná
Kompaktná lítiová batéria 1 000 mAh uložená v ľahkom hliníkovom puzdre s kľúčenkou. Pohotovostná záložná batéria na nabitie telefónu až na 50 %. USB výstup na 5 V/1 A umožňuje použitie s ktorýmkoľvek mobilným zariadením. Výkon 5 V/1A, príkon 5 V/1 A.
- Materiál: Hliník,ABS
- Farba: strieborná
- HexColor: D1CEC6
- Balenie: Darčeková krabička
- Váha v gr: 70
- Rozmery položky: 1.2 x 3.6 x 5.4 cm
- Rozmery tovaru: 13 x 5.8 x 2.7 cm
- Vonkajšie rozmery kartónu: 30 x 30 x 33 cm
- Súlad: Free from short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins, Conform Alkaline batteries safety directive EN62133, Air transport certificate used for air shipment, Conform Battery transportation safety directive UN38.3, Conform SVHC directive 1907/2006/EC, Conform PAHS content in Reach & ZEK 01-4-08, Conform Hazardous substances directive 2011/65/EC & 2015/863, Conform Electromagmetic directive 2014/30/EU, Conform Battery directive 2006/66EC, Material safety data sheet available, Conform protection against electric shock and energy hazards directive EN60950-1
- Print Technique: Gravír
- Max Print Area: 50 x 22 mm
- Print Position: Predmet predná strana
- Input Charging Connector Type: USB-C
- HasUSBOutput: true
- USBAPortQty: 1
- USBCPortQty: 1
- USBAChargingOutputSpeed: 5V/1A
- PhoneChargeCount: 1
- TotalOutputPowerWatt: 4
- HasPassThroughCharging: true
- IsAirlineCarryOnApproved: true
- ChargeSimultaneousDevices: 1
- ChargingIndicator: áno
- PowerbankCapacity: 1000
- TotalCO2emissions: 0.77
- Batteries: true
- Battery Type: Li-poly
- Nr Of Batteries: 1
- Battery Weight Gr: 14.6
- Battery Chemical Composition: Lítium
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